This quote from American spiritual teacher, Ram Dass, really resonates with me.
September and October were particularly busy for me this year. I had lots of interesting activities and experiences both at work and outside of work, but I noticed as the weeks flew by I had a sense that time was somehow speeding up! In the process, the habits I normally have in place as part of my self-care (including meditation, journalling, exercise) were compromised. I knew this would only be the case for a short period of time, and I was curious to notice what impact it would have.
What I noticed is that as my daily self-care habits slipped and became less regular, I felt less connected with myself and what is important to me.
As a result, I became less focused – for example, before this period of busyness, I had spent time writing the copy for this brand new website, and I was very clear that my focus is on connection and relationship: how we connect and relate to ourselves, and how we connect and relate to others in order to create win-win outcomes. As I was spending time quietly connecting with what matters to me, I found my creativity increased and I had all sorts of ideas about different ways I can make a positive contribution to peace and harmony in the world. I felt a deep “knowing” that I was on the right path for me. The busyness of September and October brought that creativity to a halt. I no longer felt waves of excitement as ideas for articles, programmes and services stopped popping into my head.
I wasn’t being quiet enough to hear what had previously been a very clear connection to what matters to me. Fortunately, that busyness is now over, and I’m back on the case. I know that I will be mindful about not overcrowding my diary like that in the future.
I wonder what else will emerge?